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Selling on Teachers pay Teachers

by Jan 16, 2019

I created a TpT store at the urging of my wife (also a music teacher) who thought that I had a lot of creative tools that other band directors might find useful. I was initially hesitant to post my work on TpT for thinking most band directors are crafty and share resources for free, so why would anyone pay for my stuff? I thought that if I made a few sales, that would be cool, and I never really intended to make money selling on TpT, but to my surprise my stuff started selling, one scale bundle, here and one poster set there…

You don’t get into teaching to get rich…As the days went on I started see more traffic and sales, which was great (gas money!). Then, I posted the Lesson plan hacking video you watched and things blew up! I promise you I never had intentions to make money, but as someone with student loan debt in the six-figure range, I can promise you that any money I do bring in from my TpT store is going right to paying those loans down faster.

Our Time Is Valuable, So Stop Working For Free!

– Unknown

Our Time Is Valuable, So Stop Working For Free! This was something I realized after spending my first five years of teaching burning the candle from both ends. I finally realized that in order to find a healthy work/life balance, I needed a change and I needed to learn to say no. This principle is one I hold near and dear, and is primarily why I’m selling my resources rather than giving them away for free. All of my resources took hundreds of hours to create and develop, and that’s why a charge what I feel are fair prices for my resources (all of which are freely reproducible with purchase). Visit my store to see all the resources I have available so far: 

Click here to visit the Busy Band Director TpT store.


Snare Drum and Drum sticks
Clarinet on sheet music
Flute on music stand
Laptop on sheet music